Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's been awhile!!!

Here's a video of the project I'm currently working on:

I've since added a few features to it, and I'm almost finished with version 1's coding.

Some features I've added since then:

  • A wave mode. I realized it was pretty silly that you could turn the steps down to 1, so when you do, it enters wave mode, which provides a relatively smooth wave that's somewhat akin to a triangle or a sine wave, though if you measured it you'd probably find it was somewhere in between. You probably can't notice, but the depth knob in the video isn't linear. The potentiometer is linear, and it's coded to be linear, but the A/D isn't completely linear and neither is the D/A.
  • Tap tempo, although at this point it's pretty rough. I'm going to try to optimize the code as much as I can, but I'm afraid the chip I'm using is simply too slow to get a really accurate reading of tempo, even if I added a quartz crystal.
Some features I'm going to add:

  • An expression set-up mode. Holding down the preset switch for an extended period of time will bring it up, at which point the user may choose what expression setting they want- Rate, Depth, Steps. I might re-map the random function to here too. I might add some extra controls for the wave mode this way, because as of right now it's limited. With Wave Mode/Tap Tempo/Expression I'm currently sort of pondering my options.
But it's pretty much almost done! All my major problems are solved, and I only have design decisions left!

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